Creating Better Ways to Interact  Wtih Surgeons at Shows





Zimmer designs and manufactures orthopaedic reconstructive implants. McMillan Group designed the exhibit to become a visual interpretation of organic abstract forms relating to their bone implant products. There were four main areas of focus: Large presentation theatre, product hands on demos, two story meeting room structure and the new customized knee system called Persona. McMillan Group also created demo areas with slave monitors connected to individual ipad demos for expanded coverage of technical interaction with surgeons.


“McMillan Group -- Thanks for your extraordinary support for AAOS. Despite the rocky road to get there, the final product was amazing.  We could not have done it without you.”


                                                                                                         Charlie Young, Director of Marketing, Zimmer


McMillan Group Inc. 25 Otter Trail, Westport CT 06880   203-227-8696

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