Our Design of the Second Blockbuster Hit for King Tut



The challenge was to design this 15,000 sq. ft. traveling exhibition about Tutankhamun and his ancestors to honor one hundred seventeen invaluable 3,500-year-old objects from the 1922 historical find in Egypt. McMillan Group designed each of the eleven galleries to unfold a different time and place, evoking a feeling and not a literal translation, to visually communicate concepts making the objects more relevant, educational and meaningful to the audience. Our museum design capabilities included: interior architecture, exhibit, archival display cases, video concepts, graphic (including exhibition logo) and lighting design.


“It was crucial that the designer understand and represent the storyline in the way that will be meaningful for the audience. In a short year-long time frame, McMillan Group achieved this monumental task, and in unexpected ways, taking advantage of the whole environment to interpret and explain the main concepts surrounding the mysteries of Tutankhamun’s life.”


                                    David Silverman, Curator for this exhibition and the original blockbuster exhibit in the 1970’s,

                                                               professor of Egyptology, Eckley Brinton Coxe, Jr. Professor and Curator,

                                                              University of Pennsylvania, UPenn Museum

McMillan Group Inc. 25 Otter Trail, Westport CT 06880   203-227-8696

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