GE Healthcare - RSNA 2007. McMillan Group developed the concept of a central "piazza" where all of the modalities face inward to the audience, providing an open, inviting flow through the center and with "L" shaped wall
and ceiling structures, that kept customers focused on the content of the
entire exhibit.
GE Healthcare - RSNA 2007. These monolith graphics were designed to define the perimeter and set the stage for information areas inside the exhibit using theme based graphics which provided privacy without feeling too enclosed.
GE Healthcare - RSNA 2008. This shows a visually strong ID tower as the entry "gate" to the exhibit with navigation ID in the central aisle. This is similar to the "piazza" design that McMillan Group did previously for GE Healthcare but without the ceiling on the monoliths in order to meet budget goals.
GE Healthcare - RSNA 2010. The design of this large theatre set the theme throughout the exhibit connecting modalities with a blue abstract ribbon form, giving a visual representation of one integrated solution for customers.
GE Healthcare - RSNA 2011. Due to the large scale of GE Healthcare exhibits over the years, McMillan Group designed different navigation plans such as this one which is similar to a city grid, and purposefully segmenting product areas.
GE Healthcare - RSNA 2011. With the vocabulary of various exhibit standard forms that McMillan Group designed, we created this product demonstration stage on the center left and a large presentation screen stage on the right.
GE Healthcare - RSNA 2012. As a different solution for this design, McMillan Group created the way finding navigation on the exterior of the exhibit, drawing the audience into the large circular projection cylinder with new products featured throughout the GE space.
GE Healthcare - RSNA 2012. The CEO of GE Corporate, Jeff Immelt, was present at this RSNA show to launch a new initiative on women's healthcare from one of the mini stage areas within the exhibit.
The design of the GE Healthcare exhibits is based on a project that GE Corporate initiated with McMillan Group to create Brand consistency for their global trade show program by creating architectural exhibit standards. With thirteen participating GE Healthcare modalities in a 30,000 square foot exhibit (on average), the challenge was to organize the exhibit messaging from the customer's point of view so that the information and demos they wanted were clearly accessible. The next few images reflect first impressions of the exhibit evolution over several years.